Sunday, December 19, 2010

Procrastination and Celebration

So I am no longer a student at BYU! I graduated!

However with graduation comes great procrastination. I am trying to write my law school personal statement and instead I have watched three seasons of a show called Eureka, I just ran into a tight corner though when I found out that there is not a fourth season. I as you can see, am starting to blog again, which I haven't done consistently since I was in Washington DC. I do think that it will help me with my overall goal and theme which is to procrastinate for quite some time. I am debating as to whether or not to talk about why I am interested in Criminal Law. However.... I can't come up with something clever. Alas nothing is coming to my brain.

I am currently watching a movie I found online.

Is this what people that blog really do?

Okay I am setting a goal up for myself. By Christmas I am going to have this puppy written. We will see.