Friday, October 31, 2008

Forgetful Halloween

I'm an Alzheimer's Patients That Thinks It's Christmas!
Halloween was amazing I went to a Barn Dance in which I met a huge amount of people, however strangly enough I did not ever say "trick or treat" - which is definitely a first for me.
Top Ten Costumes

1, 2) Goes to McCain and Palin for being the best Presidential Candidates ever!

3)Goes to McCain and the Fabulous BAILOUT! 7 Billion Dollars Baby! Dance those tax dollars baby. Dance those dollars. YEAH! Maverick at work honey!

4,5,6) Go to Palin, God's Gift to Women, and Home making whore for strutting their stuff on the dance floor!

7) Goes to Obama girl. This is a crazy girl who thinks that she is in LOVE with Obama, and that she will marry him some day. To better educate yourself. U-tube it!
8,9) Go to Veggie man and The Adam Family's Mom. Mortia is such a lovely women.
10) Goes to Chelsea for being such a lovely Hippie!
11 and more) goes to all the hooker/transvestites out there that made it to the dance + Hillary Clinton
11.5) Shane gets his own category because at the thrift store he couldn't believe he could fit into that dress!

Surgeon's General Warning: THIS TOP TEN IS NOT IN ORDER of what I call "The coolest HALLOWEEN" It is called the TOP TEN RANDOM ORDER of Lauren's BLOG! Got it?

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