Friday, July 31, 2009

Surgeon General Top Ten

Top Ten Questions On
The Surgeon General Application

  1. Are you a surgeon
  2. Can you grow a crazy beard like C. Everett Koop?
  3. Are you a general?
  4. Any idea what a Surgeon General is supposed to do?
  5. Do you have a normal looking pair of jeans the President could borrow
  6. Have you ever obtained pills for Rush Limbaugh
  7. McDreamy or McSteamy?
  8. Due to the recession, do you mind working for free?
  9. Can we blame the health care crisis on you?
  10. Will you look the other way when the President lights up a butt?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Top Ten Surprises On The NASA Moon Landing Tapes

  1. Neil Armstrong demanded to be addressed as "Spock"
  2. Buzz Aldrin won $20 bet by eating a pound of moon dust
  3. Sea of Tranquility had a place where you could rent kayaks
  4. Audible meowing indicates someone brought a kitty
  5. Were supposed to go to Mars, but the men refused to stop and ask for directions. You ladies know! LOL!
  6. Dumb scientist yelled, "They put a man on the moon, what? How'd they get him back?"
  7. Someone at NASA taped over the first half with "Gunsmoke"
  8. Due to time, NASA had to edit out the big dance number
  9. Aliens... Run!
  10. CRAP those shadows look alike peterpans shadow.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Top Ten Surprises In The
President Obama News Conference

  1. Began with a moment of silence for the Taco Bell Chihuahua
  2. Vice President Biden stepped up to the podium pleadng for "hair plug reform
  3. Put on Kiss makeup and sang "Dr. Love"
  4. MSNBC reporter tried to hug him so Obama went after him with a fire extinguisher (video of Dave & Richard Simmons)
  5. Wore his skinny jeans
  6. His ten minute infomercial for the new Snuggie
  7. Claimed he's borrowing $1 trillion from Regis
  8. In one hour, he went through two packs of Camels
  9. Said the swine flu epidemic was decreasing because he instated a black obese surgeon general- after all they all said that pigs would fly when a black man became president
  10. Said he's resigning to run for Governor of Alaska

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sarah Palin

Top Ten Messages On
Sarah Palin's Answering Machine
  1. "Hi, It's George W. Bush. Why didn't anyone tell me resigning was an option?"
  2. "It's John McCain -- why did I call?"
  3. “Mark Sanford here. Ever been to Argentina?"
  4. I'm calling from Geico to see if you want to renew your dogsled insurance"
  5. "It's Letterman -- we still cool?"
  6. "McCain again. Still no idea why I called"
  7. “Hi, it's the dry cleaner. Having trouble getting caribou blood out of your Prada jacket”
  8. "Hi, it's Sarah...oops...dialed my own number"
  9. "Schwarzenegger here. If you want a job, California could use a new governor”
  10. "Hey, it's McCain. Who would've thought you'd retire before I did

Friday, July 10, 2009

Welcome Annie Kathryn Christensen to the world!!
Yellowstone Adventure Experience

Yellowstone was absolutely amazing. I was able to attend a three day experience with BYUSA and it was absolutely amazing. Not only did we get charged by raging Buffalo named Gertrude and Billy (who turned out to be BOb) but also I learned so much about Leadership and the qualities that make us great. I was also very fortuante to get to know the people who I will work with for the next upcoming year. It was a growing experience. So many people are so amazing, constanly reading general conference talks, strong to the core testimonies, and true wonderful people.

Harry Potter

The Curse of Harry Potter

So guess what as roommates we got a little trigger happy and Courtney had to leave which was sad. But we went

Harry Potter Freakish
Not only did we when we were getting the fish started with our wands pointing at people, but then we got four fish including a black one in which we named all Harry Potter names. There is six of them and so far we only have three of them named. Plus we have a castle in the fish tank which is so freakin cool!!
So the names are follows:

  • Sirus L Black (mine)-- MINE WILL NOT DIE!-- Bad news mine died

  • Harry E Potter (Emilys)

  • Dumbledore (Courtneys)

  • Hufflepuff Died 7/20/09

  • Mungo

  • and Lupin

So here is the sad news! First was Sirus Black that died first, the dumbledore, and the lupin. Sad huh! We cursed them. They died in the order that they died in the books.

Oh it was devistating because of the fact we cursed them! It was as if they new what happened in Harry Potter and died. So we have either decided that we are cursed, or Sarah Petty is cursed because of the fact that she is the one that is feeding them all of the time.