Thursday, July 30, 2009

Top Ten Surprises On The NASA Moon Landing Tapes

  1. Neil Armstrong demanded to be addressed as "Spock"
  2. Buzz Aldrin won $20 bet by eating a pound of moon dust
  3. Sea of Tranquility had a place where you could rent kayaks
  4. Audible meowing indicates someone brought a kitty
  5. Were supposed to go to Mars, but the men refused to stop and ask for directions. You ladies know! LOL!
  6. Dumb scientist yelled, "They put a man on the moon, what? How'd they get him back?"
  7. Someone at NASA taped over the first half with "Gunsmoke"
  8. Due to time, NASA had to edit out the big dance number
  9. Aliens... Run!
  10. CRAP those shadows look alike peterpans shadow.

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