Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Top Ten Surprises In The
President Obama News Conference

  1. Began with a moment of silence for the Taco Bell Chihuahua
  2. Vice President Biden stepped up to the podium pleadng for "hair plug reform
  3. Put on Kiss makeup and sang "Dr. Love"
  4. MSNBC reporter tried to hug him so Obama went after him with a fire extinguisher (video of Dave & Richard Simmons)
  5. Wore his skinny jeans
  6. His ten minute infomercial for the new Snuggie
  7. Claimed he's borrowing $1 trillion from Regis
  8. In one hour, he went through two packs of Camels
  9. Said the swine flu epidemic was decreasing because he instated a black obese surgeon general- after all they all said that pigs would fly when a black man became president
  10. Said he's resigning to run for Governor of Alaska

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