Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dry vs. Dumb Humor

If you don't know me by now. You know that I am very very strange. Coming out here, I told my mom that what I wanted for Christmas was donkey earrings (but I wanted them early) so that I could strut my stuff around my all republican office. However my mom, knowing the best for me would'nt get them for me.

It is a well know fact, that I have a very silly, dumb sense of humor. I am the girl who just for kicks and giggles will raise her hand in class and say the dumbest thing that she can just to observe peoples responses. Then secretly laugh how dumb they think I am. I am the girl who when asked what college I was going to, they almost died from shock after finding out.

But the point of the blog, is Washington DC - is not dumb! It is sort of sad. For example today I said when a fellow staff member said that he needed to write a note to another staff member I said, make sure to sign it XOXOXOXO (I thought it was funny). Or when someone says "Oh I need to call that person..." I say "Call her what?" I basically have my dads sense of humor through and through. With a little of Lauren off to the side. But why can't people be a little silly from time to time. I dont understand. It is as if they never can laugh! WHY! WHY! WHY! Secretly I think that they all were deprived when they were kids.

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