Saturday, November 15, 2008



As I have previous announced to the world! I love this cool beyond cool team. However they didn't have a cool night, and the Wizards were having a awesome night and so. Alas they didn't win. However because we came at 7:00 to get tickets we got front roe tickets. It was amazing! I loved it.

First off I wasn't able to sit with Lauren or Sara. Because of this I had a criminal senial old lady who's soul determination in life was to make sure that I sat in MY seat. While I was not sitting in my seat I met some very nice Chinese men who didn't speak English. They then asked to take thier picture with me. It was hysterical

After I got caught I actually did have to go back to my actually spot. Alas it made me mad. As I looked up I realized that a 500 pound man with his legs sprawled out was in my seat. I said "mammm,(in a whinny voice) I cannot go back to my seat, on account of this man is in my seat, can't I just stay here?" With a firm denture voice she said "NO mam you have to your seat, and SIR get your lazy aword out of her chair and go to your own." He looked started, he looked to my white face, looked at his ticket, and said... ooops, I am in your chair. I said. I am going to go to my seat I promise, I just have to go to the bathroom. Girl thing. (I dont know why I said girl thing, because she is a girl, but I swear she is part alien). I then went and called my brother Andrew, and complained.

I then came back and talked to Ernest about his life. We bet fries that the Jazz would win. The game was truely pathetic. Not just pathetic but MORBID pathetic. We lost to a team that didn't even know how to pull a rabbit out of a hat. But we lost.

There they are, the sad faces of America folks. We left and went home, and were truely sadden with the names that we had on our cheecks. It was very very tragic. I must tell you

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