Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night Electricity

Yes it is true! Election night has come and gone. However wowzers was it s hoopla! Let me tell you there was no blood in the streets here in DC. The Republicans became depressed, and the Democrats partied until the crack of dawn. The horns were Honking until literally 6:00 in the morning. The following are hypothetical stories about Jack the Republican and Jimmy the Democratic and their election day.
DC Jack: Jack is a Republican. Jack woke up and was hoping for a turn around. He waited at 5:00 AM at the poles, ready McCain/Palin pin on jacket, thought in mind. . . .Maverick's going to win. McCain is the obvious favorite of the poles in Utah, however poor intern Jack has registered here in DC where 92% of DC voted for Obama. Jack went into the poles, proudly voted for McCain, and left. And got what I secretly coveted an "I voted sticker." I of course made my own "I vote sticker" except for it says "I absentee voted today, did you?" It was amazing! Jack then went through OCD rituals such as toughing his McCain bobble head, Polishing his McCain and Palin button every chance that he got, and making sure that he thought positively. Around 9:30pm he went to the GOP party and saw Obama go past 270 votes, took a picture, went home, and went to sleep.

DC Jim: DC Jim is a Democrat. DC Jim is very pugnacious and of course he knows that Obama is going to win. On November 4th, DC Jim wakes up and at his lunch break goes in and votes. He "of course" votes for Obama, and others and goes back to work. He gets off of work and prepares for the most exciting night life party of his life because the most inspirational man of his life is going to win. He still has his sticker on. He takes that off, and replaces it with a button of Obama. . . . the rest of it is sort of a blurr to DC Jim. However we do have documented evidence that DC Jim was at the White House shouting Obama. Apparently he did make it to his party, and found out that Obama made it as president, got kicked out for being to loud, and ran to the White House to shout his enthusiasm of support about Obama.

It was a crazy night for all of us. Interestingly enough did you know that the Barlow Center (which is the place that houses the BYU interns) voted for Obama. 14 to 16-- crazy huh! Did you also know that we are pretty much divided?
Election night was crazy. Cars honking, people screaming for victory, and let's not forget that I thought or rather I swore that some of those Republicans would commit suicide because they had lost, or those Democrats would kill themselves through drunken happiness. But alas, nothing to serious happened. It was a sad night for a psychology major.

On election night a lot of people watched as the president-elect came forth and spoke for the first time. Talked about "change"- he spoke about things that he could change about our nation. His speeches are like those of the great ones. Martin Luther King Junior, Truman, Kennedy, FDR, or those who inspired our nation. Like it or not. He is our President now, and we will support him. Through thick and thin. We elected him as a nation. Through the Constitution that we as a people voted him in. Although some people (including me) did not vote for him in particular- he will do great things. Like it or not, he is our leader... and though we question, we must trust.

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